What is cybercrime:


There is no one agreement about the definition of cybercrime  but it is an enumeration of cybercrime,

When the computer is target to the offense for example unauthorized access to computer altering computer data  ore when a computer is  a tool for an offense like fraud over the internet or where the content is illegal like when a user posts illegal content on the internet li pornography  or content that encourage hating 

So if there is no definition of  cybercrime how can I know if I commit a cybercrime

If you are in cybersecurity you have to know what  is legal and what is not, people think that only the geek of computer can be punished under cyber crime but it is not if you have a Facebook account you are at risqué of committing cybercrime for example if you post content that you look ok but someone else thinks that it is against the Facebook policy consideration promote hate speeches so if it is you are in an unlawful act

Another question the civil law has  a principle that states that no one is punished if  there act it is not punishable anther the low that means that for punishing someone there is a  need for some law that criminalizes the act but cybercrime is not defined how we can punish someone before the low states that

It ok that cybercrime is not a crime itself self but there is a lot of crimes that can be punishable for example if you work in society and they have some sort of program  and you have limiter access to the server for example you roll is just  entering the client information and you found your boos password  you entered that password to see how much the other employ gain you have committed not a cybercrime but unauthorized access to the computer  you can be sent to jail for that

So there is law punish a lot of acts this group of acts calls cybercrime

So what reason for define cybercrime but not define every separate act that includes in  it we come with cybercrime to encourage studying every offense and for trying to made treaty enter the states to fight against  a lot of acts that menace our money privacy of ever our lives

But I am not a lawyer and I do not know the law.

We will try to simplify  the lesson in our blog 


So what is the acts that are considered a cybercrime

We will discuss this group of the act in our blog so share this blog amount your friends





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