How the police investigate the cyber-crime

The police try to gather evidence to present the defender to court, but there is some consideration . First every one have the right of privacy this mean that he has the right to keep some secret and don’t won’t other to know this secret, and the law try to protect this right but police can’t protect the society from criminal if they can’t search for evident that the criminal try to hide, so there is a need for balance and, there are status that try to do so but how . for protecting the privacy there is a right to not search evident without a warrant where there is reasonable expectation of privacy this mean that every think that you think that no one is allow to know, and search in it for example if you have a laptop you kip in it your photo , email you do not think that someone else will look to your laptop so yo have reasonable expectation that the police can not search your computer but if you post Somme comment in a public group, the police can search and put that as evi...